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   墾丁潛點!!! Divesites in Kenting
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墾丁潛點!!! Divesites in Kenting - 2018/07/30 06:43 PM


出水口一線天 Chu Shui Kou Narrow

本潛點主要的特色為探訪峽谷地形, 長約50米, 最窄處僅2米, 只容一人通過. 礁岩底部可以看到整片的棘穗軟珊瑚, 錦紋蓋刺魚, 條紋蓋刺魚, 天竺鯛, 大眼鯛, 索氏尖鼻魨及海蛞蝓.

Landform is kind of narrow, length 50M. many of soft corals, snapper, puffer, batfish, clownfish and nudibranch.

出水口 Chu Shui Kou

平均深度約為10~15米, 唯一的火焰貝可以在此潛點發現, 梭魚群經常停留於下水點, 偶會發現烏賊, 花枝, 章魚, 比目魚. 是很適合四季潛水的潛點.

Average is around 10~15M, the only one flame scallop can be found here, group of barracuda is always here near entry, you can encounter squid, cuttlefish, octopus, flatfish, clownfish, snapper and runner. It’s suitable to dive for 4 seasons.  

後壁湖軟珊瑚區 Soft Coral area

各式各樣的軟珊瑚隨海流搖曳著, 沿著沙地與珊瑚區前進, 常可發現管口魚, 蝶魚, 圓雀鯛等珊瑚常見魚類. 偶會發現一隻大型石斑. 平均深度10~15米. 瑰麗七夕魚是在此區較稀有的魚種.

Variety of soft corals here, follow the line between coral and sand, you can encounter tubefish, batfish, snapper and grouper. Average is about 10~15M.

後壁湖餵魚區 Wei Yu Qu (feed fish area)

此區為浮潛與潛水人數最多的點, 常有潛水員在雀屏珊瑚附近進行餵魚, 經常可見四線笛鯛, 單斑龍占, 條紋石鱸, 火斑笛鯛, 黃足笛鯛, 光鰓雀鯛等, 數量多且不畏人.

It’s common site for snorkeler and diver, diver used to feed fish here. Snapper, runner, grouper and clownfish here, and not afraid of human.

香蕉灣 Banana Bay

潛點入水處因海蝕而形成海蝕溝, 經過海溝就是一片珊瑚礁平台地形, 平坦的礁地中的小凹穴, 可見絲鰭塘鱧(雷達). 其他魚類則有黑刺尾鯛, 繁星鲆, 角廉魚, 六斑二齒魨. 平均深度為8~12米.

Diving into a hole which was caused by wave erosion, through hard reef, can see radar, snapper, puffer and batfish. Average depth is 8~12M.

砂島 Sha Dao

平均深度約8~12米, 可以發現較少見的黑尾海龍, 大法螺, 魚的種類相當多, 白條海葵魚, 克氏海葵魚, 天竺鯛, 三斑圓雀鯛, 箱魨, 金花鱸, 裸胸鯙(缦).

Average depth is 8~12M, here can see banded pipefish, clownfish, snapper, runner, barracuda, boxfish, puffer, moray ell and grouper.




獨立礁 Du Li Jiao

南端凸出的岩石在水下看來很像是龍王頭, 船家稱之為「龍王岩」. 附近滿是金花鱸魚群, 平均深度約為20~30米, 往外踢出32米處可見一株海扇, 仔細尋找可以發現迷你的豆丁海馬.

One reef looks like head of dragon, sea goldie, snapper, runner and clean shrimp here, kick further you may see pygmy sea horse on sea fan. Average depth is around 20~30M.

雙峰藍洞 Shuang Feng Lan Dong

以洞穴景觀而聞名, 此洞穴長約10公尺. 平均深度為18~25米, 礁岩上有大量的海百合, 常可見金花鱸, 小丑魚, 蝶魚及共生蝦, 蟹.

Famous by a cave, length is about 10M. average depth is about 18~25M, many of sea lily on reef, sea goldie, snapper, runner, clownfish, batfish, anemone shrimp and crab here.

大咾咕斜坡 Da Lao Gu

豐富的珊瑚遍佈, 有各種的軟珊瑚與石珊瑚, 東北方可以發現海筆生長在珊瑚礁前緣的沙地上, 不遠處的沙地上可見花園鰻. 常可見黃帶天竺鯛及海蛞蝓. 平均深度約15~22米.

Many of soft coral and hard reef here, you can find sea pen at northeast side, on sand you can encounter garden ell, snapper and nudibranch. Average depth is about 15~22M

小咾咕斷層 Siao Lao Gu Fault

本潛點圍繞著斷層面進行, 岩壁上可見許多像太陽花的圓管海星珊瑚, 整群的軟珊瑚生長在岩壁上, 金花鱸, 三斑圓雀鯛, 裂唇魚,蝶魚, 鸚哥魚穿梭其中. 平均深度約15~24米.

Surrounding the fault, can see many of coral as sun flower and soft coral on wall, sea goldie, snapper, batfish and wrasse. Average depth is 15~24M.

南灣三角町 Nan Wan San Jiao Ding

可見許多石珊瑚, 有鐘型微孔珊瑚, 環局珊瑚, 葉形表孔珊瑚及一大片的軸孔珊瑚, 在礁頂上常有海蛞蝓, 鯛魚, 縵魚. 沙地裡經常可見土魟. 平均深度約13~20米.

Hard reef and soft coral everywhere, nudibranch, snapper, moray ell, runner and sometimes bluespotted ray in sand. Average depth is about 13~20M.

眺石 Tiao Shi

主要特色為石珊瑚, 常見蝶魚,粉紅海葵魚, 刺尾鯛, 單棘魨, 角廉魚, 蓋刺魚,二齒魨, 雀鯛, 天竺鯛等. 此處平均深度約8~11米.

Beautiful hard reef, batfish, clownfish, snapper, puffer, boxfish, runner. Average is about 8~11M



石珠Shi Zhu

地形屬礁石與沙地混合區, 平均深度在20~26米之間, 其中兩個大小呈柱狀香菇的珊瑚礁岩石, 在25米深的砂質地形上顯得很特殊. 海鞭, 海扇, 海綿, 海百合, 穗珊瑚都是以多的方式呈現.

The site is combinative sand and reef, average depth is around 20~26M, the two major coral reefs are like mushroom in the water. Here you can find sea fan, sea lily, snapper, grouper and moray eel.

南海洞 Nan Han Dong

因靠近岸上南海洞而命名. 平均深度為15~23米, 位於15米的一整片軟珊瑚海延伸至23米深處. 種類包括花還肉質軟珊瑚, 指型軟珊瑚, 葉型軟珊瑚.

The site is name as 「Nan-Hai cave」on land, average depth is around 15~23M, there are many soft corals from 15M to 23M, snapper, wrasse, goby and squid is around here.

雷打石 Lei Da Shi

最大深度為20米, 遍布各式珊瑚, 包含軟珊瑚, 柳珊瑚, 肉質軟珊瑚, 指型軟珊瑚, 柳珊瑚及硨磲貝. 沙底時有鰺科覓食, 偶有少見剃刀魚或魟魚.

Deepest is about 20M, many soft corals, trevallies and runners here, sometimes you can find robust ghost pipefish or ray at sand.

合界Ho Jie

因為浪況與海流的關係,此點為高級潛點. 平均深度為18~28米, 32米深處有一小船船骨俗稱「排骨」. 在這裡可以發現許多的海蛞蝓, 蝶魚, 雀鯛, 赤尾鯛, 金花鱸.

This is an advanced dive site because of current and wave, average depth is around 18~28M, there is small wreck at 32M, here you can find nudibranch, batfish, snapper and sea goldie.

頂白沙 Ding Bai Sha

因礁岩地形此點也為高級潛點, 在28米深即到達本潛點主要景觀區, 分佈著大型海扇群, 柳珊瑚的群集. 小小的豆丁海馬也許就隱身其中. 在24米處常可見五線笛鯛, 天竺鯛, 金花鱸, 關刀.

It’s an advanced dive site, major area is located at 28M, there are sea fans and soft corals, pygmy sea horse might be somewhere in the fan, around 24M you can encounter snapper, grouper and goby




萬里桐 Wan Li Tong

平均深度約15~22米, 往南的方向前進, 深度約20米可以發現形似尼克森頭的珊瑚礁石, 平台上成群的金花鱸, 天竺鯛, 雙帶烏尾冬及許多的蝶魚穿梭. 北側的礁石區可以看到許多大型海扇, 礁石與沙地的交接觸或許就有潛藏在沙中的魟魚.

Average depth is around 15~22M, toward to south diver can find the reef looks like head of Nixon at 20M. on the platform you can find sea goldie, snapper, clownfish, and sometimes you can encounter blue spotted ray. 

山海 Shan Han

位於山海漁港, 平均深度約12~15米, 由5~6個大小不一的礁石組成, 礁頂平台廣闊, 以石珊瑚居多. 因火般笛鯛群居多而聞名, 金花鱸魚群也是礁洞中的主角. 往30度踢出約15米, 到達此潛點的地標「凱旋門」高約4米, 寬約10米.

The site is famous by Blackspot snapper, average depth is around 12~15M, mainly there are 5~6 corals to explore, heading to 30 degree about 15M, you will reach the landmark 「Triumphal arch」height is about 4M and width is about 10M.

紅柴坑 Hong Chai Keng

港口北側入水後, 深度由3米到13米, 朝西前近經過礁台平台緩緩到9.5米, 會見到巨大微孔珊瑚, 附近可以看到三斑圓雀鯛, 帶尾新隆魚, 海豬魚, 赤尾魚, 克氏海葵魚, 較特殊的是雙帶鱸, 身體表面很會分泌黏液, 所以又稱做肥皂魚.

Dive from north of dock, depth is from 3M to 13M, heading to the coral located at 9.5M, you can see snapper, rockmover wrasse and clownfish.


